Monday, June 30, 2008

Mi Picasa Framework, es su Picasa Framework

One of the best features that the Zend Framework offers is it's interface utilities to many of Google's webservices. Namely Picasa and YouTube. However, in my ever continuing effort to simplify my development tasks I started writing some helper classes that would make it more intuitive to retrieve some basic information. For example, give me all the Picasa galleries for the user kwylez or give me the first 15 YouTube videos in the entertainment category.

While this task is fairly easy with the ZF APIs the method names aren't always intuitive. This is where my little project began, as most do. Having a task that one would like to accomplish easily.
I have committed the first version of the helper class framework to subversion as well as a file download.

When prompted for a username/password when checking out of subversion the username is anonymous and password is empty.

The zip file/repository includes:
  1. Custom helper classes
  2. Usage examples

Class features:

  1. Zend Framework style directory structure for easy autoloading
  2. Picasa interface that retrieves meta information on author, galleries, and images
  3. YouTube interface that retrieves information based upon a user or category


  1. Zend Framework 1.5